Tuesday, April 10, 2007


School today is as per normal - just like how u feel today.. Hahax... As usual, crap with audrey, huey jia and aw yeong.... "WHAT??!" Laughing out loud.... roll eyes 0_0"

Got 4 copies of Newsweek during PW lecture today. Wooh! Can read the magazines lo!! x] The GP teachers managed to bargain for a very cheap price at only $1/copy! So cheap la... Its usual cost price is i think $7.50. That's like paying only 13.333333333333333% of the usual price! =p

I got Zhi Wei, the AEP student in my class, to help me draw some nice pictures on the cardboard behind my fulscap pad. Wow! Superb drawing! An AEP student indeed!

Tests and exams coming up in just a few weeks' time. Just hope that I can at least get a 50% pass for all my subjects, especially for
GP & Math! It's the first time in my whole life hoping to get only a pass for a test/exam. The reason is I still haven't FULLY understood what the first three months' stuff is all about. The teachers are literally rushing through and that's it. I'm just too desperate that I aim for only a pass~ :/ *sigh...........

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