Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I was relieved when I was promoted to JC2 upon receiving Promotional Exam result slip.
I did horrendously for JC2 Block Test but was fortunate that I was not demoted to JC1.
I unexpectedly improved from Block Test results in the Mid-Year Exam, partly due to the greater area for improvement since my reults for BT were damn bad.

It was certainly not easy for me to meet the expectations of the college for exams.
A tough journey for me, it is.

Just as I thought that I shall endure till the end of A level, the principal announced during morning assembly that "the college reserves the right to make you do a U-turn if you underperform for prelims".

My jaws dropped.

I've made it thus far.
Yet there's no guarantee that I can take my A level at the end of the year.


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